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Welcome: Anthology Editions Books!

Big news! We have a few Anthology Editions books in the shop right now--these books come sealed and will only be opened when they arrive at your doorstep or go home with you 📚❤️ These are truly original hardback, large format, and heavy (both in weight and material presented). They range from music to photography to art. If there is an Anthology Edition that you'd like us to get in for you--please drop a line. Here are the four that I have available for purchase in the shop, right now: Jane Dickson in Times Square (2018)Photography/Art by Jane Dickson"Jane photographed, drew, and painted,...
The Linda Lindas & Bacchae at The Foundry (Philadelphia, PA, 7/26/22)
Bacchae Live Reviews The Linda Lindas

The Linda Lindas @ The Foundry 7/26/22 It was a The Linda Lindas' kind of week with the band performing a fierce and energetic set this past Tuesday at The Foundry in Philadelphia--the fact that they opened with one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite movies was just the kicker (The Blue Hearts' now iconic song "Linda Linda" the inspiration for the movie and band in, Linda Linda Linda, a DVD gifted to me in the mid- 2000s by Plumtree bassist/singer and best bud/long-time friend, Catriona Sturton, whose own band's song Scott Pilgrim (a music video filmed with members of...
Connect-ing To The Beat Dog Faced Hermans Erin Margaret Day

CTTB: Interview with Vivien Goldman
Connect-ing To The Beat Vivien Goldman

CTTB: Interview with Jen Lemasters (Bric-A-Brac Records/The Brewed)
Bam Bam Bric-A-Brac Records Connect-ing To The Beat Jen Lemasters